Writing: A Day in the Life

Writing Thursday?A Day in the Life

So it’s not Wednesday, sorry guys,  sometimes when you’re writing life interrupts, and that’s what happen yesterday, the important thing is to never stop, So I’m back again with writing Thursday. Last month I mentioned creating a schedule for yourself and writing everyday and I wanted to share what that looks like for me. Consider this a ‘come write with me’ vlog,  without the video part, though look out for those in the future.

  1. EAT: I’m not a human being until I eat so I don’t write on a empty stomach.  It sounds cliche but breakfast is a must, I’m a monster when I’m hungry.  I make sure to grab something light: a yogurt, whole wheat bagels, fruit.  Basically nothing that will give me the itis, that’s food fatigue for those of ya’ll who don’t know.
  2. DRINK: I’m not a coffee drinker. In fact I usually only drink coffee once a year, at Christmas with baileys in it, heavy on the baileys. Naturally I can’t go around stumbling from bookstore to bookstore acting a fool, so I drink tea instead. Black Tea is my favorite, If I end up writing at a coffee shop, I might grab a chai tea latte, which brings me to
  3.  FIND: a nice writing space. A spot that you can feel comfortable and creative in, a place you can find peace and focus. I thrive in pretty spaces or surrounded by books, so I’ll usually head to a bookstore or library, but a cafe works as well. This also gives me an excuse to explore the city I live in, which is a nice bonus. Once I find  a nice spot I sit down, put my headphones and write for 4 to 6 hours.
  4. LIMIT: That 4 to 6 hours can look like different especially, now that I’m in the editing process, but whatever the case I make sure to sit down and focus on my work, for the that full amount of time, even if I can only get a paragraph. If I set out to write for 4 hours, I make myself stay in that in head space. No internet unless for research, no Netflix, I just write. I write what parts of my story that come to me. Some days I write multiple chapters, some days I spend 4 to 6 hours staring at a single a sentence. Then I go home take a break and…
  5. TREAT: I treat myself ya’ll, I’m talking bubble baths, manicures, home decor shopping, Barnes and Nobles haul, whatever self care feels right for that day.  Writing is something I love doing and because I love it it is a reward in itself, but a victory bubble bath completes the whole experience. Since I don’t get paid to write yet, (yes yet, if I don’t believe in me who will), treating myself is kind of my paycheck.  I treat within my means, and that doesn’t always mean spending money, sometimes it’s giving myself a day to work on other projects, or write some poetry, other times I’m leaving the cafe to shop my tiny heart out at home goods. The treat gives me something to look forward to and its a great way to end my day.

Then rinse and repeat, then again, then again.

It can be frustrating and exhausting, especially when you have a day job, relationships, and you’re still trying to have some type of social life, but it’s never going to get done if you don’t just do it.  Plus the satisfaction of each chapter you finish, and the eventual completion of your book,  trust me it’s better than sex. What’s a day life in your creative life, tell me in the comments below. 

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