It is too late to do the whole happy new year, cause it’s happening right now. Happy new year Y’all. You might be asking yourself, where have I been? What have I been doing cause I’m clearly not here or on Instagram. Well let me tell Y’all, I’ve just been doing life which currently consists of working, writing, and creating.I’m taking life one day at a time, but the thing is I started this blog to chronicle all of that. I want to get back to it. It’s a new year and I’m just ready to share it with you all. There so much I want to accomplish this year and I want to keep myself accountable here on the blog, with your help of course. So I’m starting right now by sharing my 2018 goals. Since I have so many I’ve put them into one of three categories book, reading, and writing, don’t worry, I’ll be posting my home goals soon.
Book Goals:
I finished my current manuscript in 2016, lets call it Untitled Project 1. It’s a series and I’ll be doing an introduction post about it later this month. My current manuscript is book one, and I’ve been struggling with editing it for a while. This year I want to finish it, I’m ready and it’s time. I believe in this story and these characters, I want to see them both expand and refined, my story deserves that. Then I want to get other eyes on it, to further develop it till it’s as perfect as it can be so I can accomplish by next goal, obtaining a literary agent. I want to eventually see my book in the hands of readers everywhere, but baby steps. So my book goals are:
- Finish Editing Book 1
- Get a Literary Agent
Writing Goals:
While I spend a lot of my writing time focused on my manuscript, I want to make time to create something new. I have so many stories running through my head and I need to get them out. I love my current story though as I’m editing there are moments and elements that shine to me, but they don’t work in their current setting. I want to find a home for these orphaned treasures. Some of these treasures will be in book two of this current series. I also want to finish the rough draft of book two this year. Are you tired for me yet? Because I’m not done! Lastly, I want to start another project altogether. I believe in my current series, but it’s not uncommon for manuscripts to get rejected. For whatever reasons, and in my research, I’ve found many, a manuscript just isn’t right for the market at the time, and that’s okay. Just keep it pushing and write another, so I am.
- One Short story per Season
- Book 2 Manuscript
- Start another Project
Reading Goals:
What’s a writer who doesn’t read? Reading resets me creativity, inspires and calms me. So I gave myself some fun reading goals this year. My fiance Grant and I are working our way through the Star Wars novelization, currently, we’re reading those The Phantom Menace, leave a comment below if you want to know how that’s going. Honestly, this one will take way more than a year but we’re up for it. It’s not all for fun though, I want to work my way through some books on editing, to help with my other goals this year. Finally, I want to read more autobiographies and biographies this year. There are so many people who inspire and some many of their own stories have been out to print, I want to know about their lives, and learn along the way. So my reading goals are.
- Work through Star Wars
- Read more Editing books
- Read more biography/autobiography
So those are my writing-related goals for 2018. I hope you all can join me here and take this journey with me. I’m ready to have a very creative year. What are your writing goals for the new year? And Have you ever written something you love but it wasn’t right for the current story you were working on? Tell me in the comments below had that happened?