7 Things on a Saturday

Last week I began the week with six things this week I’m ending the week with seven. I’m leaning more into this fluid format of uploading, it’s more natural to my lifestyle and most importantly it allows me the most time to write. I got a lot done this week in writing and in terms of end of the year goals setting and making plans to make them happen. Let’s get right into it:

1. Its National Novel Writing Month ya’ll. For those of ya’ll who are living under a rock NaNoWriMo is a month long writing challenge, where you try to complete a novel or get 50000 words by the end of November. I going to be honest I had no interest in participating this year. Im already taking part in #100daysofwriting on twitter and well I have a life, a job, it just seemed like a little too much. But seeing all of my fellow writers in the online community going for it really, jumpstarted something in me. So I’m taking the plunge, follow my progress here and join in.

2. The point of doing all these challenges is to make writing a habbit. Like an, everyday I feel weird if I dont write, kind of habbit. Articles like this one here remind me that, while its important not to determine my self worth by how much I write, I also have to remember one thing. The damn thing wont write itself, and the only way to see progress is to get words on the page.

3. That’s a hard truth to deal with, that whjy I’m so glad to be a part of the online writing community to learn form others, commiserate with other aspiring authors and creatives. It feuls my soul. I just read this interview, and its was pretty insightful. Learning how others reach that success . Please check it out here, its definitely worth the read.

4.With #pitchwars behind us, some of us might be feeling low. Maybe about not bring ready to submit or not being chosen by a mentor, and etc. For those of us feeling down check out BYOM. Its stands for Be Your Own Mentor and its site created to help writer edit, revise and get ready to query all on their own. That’s some indpendent women shit I can definitely get behind, though all are welcome check it here.

5. Speaking of writing contest that I’m not ready for, I found ScreenCraft’s Cinematic Book 2018 contest. Its basically a chance to win a killer networking opportunity with hollywood agents and film/tv producers. Check out the rules guidelines and stuff here.

6. If you’ve been following along here at anovelhome.com you would know I love all things DIY, home décor and design. It’s fall which means its one room challenge season. I used to have a Rental Redo series here in a similar format before I decided to focus on writing. Checking out the participants and guest participants I find I can vicariously through them look at the participating guest and designers here

7. On that décor note, look at these book ends I found here. While I’m not doing a full series, as my Rental Redo series is still on major haitus, I still plan sharing my space once its finished but writing comes first.

Well I’m off to take a warm shower and curl with a good book till next time, create, hustle and love yourself.

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