10 Things on a Thursday
There’s still some alliteration in that right? How are ya’ll doing hows the hustle?? This past week has been very productive for me in terms of my day job which is always nice. My creativity definitely flows better when I’m not stressed. Writing this week has been all over the place some good days and some bad, the highlights?
- Voting has been on my mind a lot lately. I had to make sure I was registered so I can make my voice heard come November. For anyone feeling powerless right now I recommend doing the same and want to remind you you’re not alone. Also losing yourself in a good book never hurts.
- The book I’m working through to distract me from all of this hearing nonsense is I’m not your Perfect Mexican Daughter, by Erika L Sanchez. I love it, and reading it is helping me get into the right frame of mind and voice for my on work in progress.
- In home news which I don’t do very often I also love to delve into my other passion interior design at time like this so I’ve been watching these lovely ladies renovate old homes. They do such good work and have a lot of fun doing it
- I’ve been trying to integrate tech more into my writing and found this video from life of a writer on youtube on apps and writing.
- I’ve been taking part of #100daysofwriting I usual post my progress, general thoughts and feelings about the process on twitter but this has been a social media light week for me. The short recap is between day 6 and 7 I got about 1000 words down Day 8 about 250 and I’ll admit it only about 25 words day 9. Day 10 has me at about 500 so I can’t complain. I do better somedays then others. I just so impatient I want to want to write more but somedays I life gets in the way. When I’m deep in a session and the words are coming I feel unstoppable but getting to that moment in the session fast is something I’m still trying to get down
- Since I’ve spending more time on twitter I’ve found some awesome threads including this one about twitter terms and short cuts and this one compiling good writing tips checking out the hash tag writetip and pubtip on twitter for more
- Also on apps and writing this article by book machine is magical. Its all about how to best utilize Instagram for writers, and its definitely worth checking out
- Speaking of the gram of course I had to share another one of my favorite bookstagrammer inkandfable. She was one of the first women of color bookstagrammer I followed and her content just gives me all the inspirational
- Finding time to write while I work a busy sales job has also been one of my major struggles. I found this article really helpful and if ya’ll have any tips on writing while also living your best life please send them to me.
- I’m n contemplating doing another writing challenge or hashtag writing game cause I’m enjoying 100 days of writing one. It’s between #wipjoy and #oktowrimo, are anyone of ya’ll doing them?
Well that’s most everything that went down this week and I’m glad it’s my weekend and I can let go and recharge, II’s just about time I start meeting with my wetting partner and I’m so stoked to make even more progress,, till next week, create, hustle and love yourself.