Hey Ya’ll I’m back again with a writing Wednesday, Today I’m talking inspiration. I strive to always be open to inspiration, not only home decor inspiration but writing inspiration too. My love of writing was inspired by not only the world around me but, by a love a reading. When I started my writing my book I received a lot of advice, something I heard all of the time was, you must read to improve your writing, This made so much sense to me. in books I found new worlds to experience, new ideas that challenge and make me rethink things about myself and the world I live in. I take all of these new ideas and thoughts and use it to fuels my creativity which fuels my writing. With that in mind, I wanted to share some less obvious places I find inspiration for my writing, some sources I use that leap out in my mind as off the typical beat and path.
Unexpected Inspiration
I love looking to music for inspiration. Not only does music make it easy to get into an emotional state, it’s fun to use lyrics as prompts. It interesting to see where the lyrics take you when you apply a different perspective to them. Think about your favorite song. Why do you like it, what about it touches you? Is there a way to translate that feeling into your writing. Does the song you’re listening to tell a story, finish that story. If you ever find yourself wishing the tune were longer, ask yourself way, can you replicate that feeling for your reader at the end of your book or chapter, how? Music sparks thought, and all works start with an idea. Building on that idea could be the key to writing your bestseller
I originally went to school for architecture, after being in the program I realized I was much more concerned with the inside of the building than I would ever be about the outside. Still, beautiful and unique architectural forms are very inspiring too. On a trip in college, I had a chance to experience some of the beautiful palaces and cathedrals that are all over Europe. I found myself thinking about the people who lived there, who they were what they did, what secrets they toke to their grave. In school, I was thought when designing to keep in mind the people who would use that space and how they would use it. As an architect it was my job to ensure space was beautiful and functional, I try to do the same when I pull an interior space together. Applying this to my writing has added a depth to my settings that it needed.
Lastly fashion especially extravagant fashion has really caught my eye. I look at an outfit and I want to know the person who would wear it. I want to know their fears and desires. I wonder about the functionally of their threads. Does it make them feel sexy, do they want to feel that way? Is this the dress your character has been dreaming about since she was a little girl, why? I answer these questions in my writing.
What are some places ya’ll find unexpected inspiration?