9 Facts about the Girl

3 things things you should know about me

  1.  I’ll start with what most people notice about me first, I’m really short, like can’t reach most of the bookshelves in my own house short. I don’t mind though, it encourages my love of both functional and decorative ladders.
  2.  I’m from Texas, I love brisket, the Dallas Cowboys, and all things Texas (even the humidity that my hair hates). That said, I live in Oregon now  and I’m loving it here, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to bring some warm Texas charm to my new cold Pacific Northwest home.
  3.  My nerd identity doesn’t stop at book collector, I also have a massive comic book collection. Figuring out a way to display my comics in a way that is both chic and pays respect to the pop art nature of comics is a big reason I started this blog.

3 things you should know about my what I create

  1. I wrote a book in winter 2016. Writing is my everything, I write everyday, I read everyday, its how I practice self care, its how I express myself, and it’s how I want to make a living. The journey of being a publish author is not an easy one, but it is one I wanted to chronicle and share.
  2. Before I stared using words to express myself, I used a paint brush. Life has provided less and less time for this, however my redo of my space has provided me that form of expression again. So I want to add a lot of my own artwork back into my space, and with the vague eventual hope of expanding my creative hustle and opening an Etsy shop.
  3. DIY is a new thing for me. I want a beautifully cultivated home. A space that looks sophisticated and magazine ready, but has my personally all over it . Real life, bills, and working a full time job,  all while treating writing as a full time job hasn’t left me much time or funds for the space I originally envisioned, so I did what all us makers do: flexed my creativity muscles and made some art and items that  I’m so exited to share with ya’ll.

3 things you should know about my home

  1.  The house is old,  like really old, it’s been in my land lady family for 70 years. Old homes come with a crap ton of problems and they pop up in weird and sometimes annoying ways. Its made the planning the redo bit,  a process of careful planning with a splash of trail and error, but’s it’s fun.
  2.  It’s a Rental, hence the category “Rentals redo”. That means that in the end this isn’t my space, this is a temporary investment of love, but I am a big believer in making every space you are in from a studio apartment, to a hotel on vacation into a Home. So I am trying to push the boundaries of what I know how to do already, and what I can do here while staying within what the home owner allows.
  3.  It is in the perfect location. Within walking distance of my job, three tea houses I can write at, two used bookstores, and three art supplies stores for me to easily resupply and keep creating. I’m also lucky enough to be located down the street form the best comic book shop in town, like the old saying, “location, location , location”, and I really can’t complain about mine.

It is so important for my writing and my art that I know who I am, and what I have to say.  This post is just a glimpse of all of that and moving forward, I wanna put more of that out there. It’s good practice for my book, and it feeds my soul, being unapologetically myself. Looking for more about me, my writing, or my home? Look out for an updated about me page! I’d like to get my readers though, what is a surprising or interesting fact about you? What do you create, and why do you create it? Do you have any good stories from your making your art?

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