Book Spotlight: Pride and Prejudice

It’s anovelhome’s 1 month birthday, and I’ve had so much fun sharing a bit of my home and life. I wanted to use this Writing Wednesday and this week in general to share a bit more of myself. What better way to introduce myself then through my favorite book. I read Pride and Prejudice in the 3rd grade, I was sure I was going to hate it. My mother has a real deep love of historical romance novels and she would spend hours in discount bookstores, surrounded by shelves of love stories, I as her comic book collecting , hot wheels enthusiast, and lego building little girl, wanted nothing to do with it.  She had bought a set of classic novels modified for children, including Emma, Great Expectations, Sherlock Holmes and the hounds of Baskerville, and of course Pride and Prejudice. I picked it up on a whim and finished it in a day. I would stop and put the book down run to tell my mother about what Elizabeth said, or my opinion on Mr. Darcy’s behavior. I was captivated by these characters, who were one thing, and society saw them a certain way, and expected them to  act a certain way, regardless of who they were at their core.

It took me till adulthood to fully embrace who I was, characters like Elizabeth created the base for me to accept that I can be multi dimensional. I can be level headed and passionate, have faith and be intelligent, and I can be serious and creative. What’s your favorite book, what did it teach you about yourself? My love of reading couldn’t exist without books, and since this blog is called,  you can expect more book spotlights in the future. I gotta share some of the novels love with you, till next time, go create something.


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